Who we are
We are a family owned and run business which has been serving small, medium and developing farmers throughout large areas of South Africa since 1986.
What we do
We distribute day old broiler chicks to farmers in Gauteng, Mpumalanga, Limpopo, Free State, North West Province, Northern Cape and parts of Lesotho and other surrounding countries.
How we do it
We are committed to customer satisfaction by providing only the best day old broiler chicks on the market and by giving our customers the professional service they deserve.

Our mission
Is to focus on the quality of our products and services and ensure that even the smallest poultry farmer has access to the best possible day old broiler chicks, related products, information and support that we can provide so that we may always remain the choice supplier of day old broiler chicks to the small poultry farmer.
We believe
That poultry farming on any scale is a major contributor to job creation and food security throughout South Africa and Africa.
That even the smallest poultry farmer deserves access to the best day old broiler chicks.
That anyone armed with enough knowledge, will and the best inputs available is able to make a successful business or contribute positively to their own subsistence out of poultry farming even if it is on a small scale.
That by supplying farmers in remote and rural areas with day old broiler chicks, we, together with our customers and other suppliers who are willing to supply to remote and rural areas no matter the size of the farmers operations bring an element of dignity to the people in those areas.
That without our long standing and loyal customers (some of which have been with us for two generations) we are nothing. We believe that by continuously striving to achieve our mission statement objectives that we are reciprocating our loyal customer's loyalty.
Deon Jansen van Rensburg, Owner, Alfa Chicks